Goal 1

Staff Development

Developing our workforce is pivotal in building a strong cybersecurity foundation. By investing in continuous training, professional development, and certifications for the cybersecurity team, Georgia Tech ensures a highly skilled workforce, capable of tackling emerging threats with expertise and agility.

Objective 1: 

Enhancing staff expertise is central to Georgia Tech's commitment to cybersecurity excellence. By investing in tailored training programs, industry certifications, and fostering cross-functional collaboration, the university ensures its cybersecurity professionals possess cutting-edge skills, enabling them to adeptly navigate evolving threats and secure the digital landscape effectively.

  • Strategy 1: Implement specialized training programs and certifications to keep the cybersecurity team updated with the latest technologies, threat landscapes, and best practices. Encourage staff members to pursue industry-recognized certifications to enhance their expertise.
  • Strategy 2: Facilitate collaborations between cybersecurity experts and professionals from diverse fields within the university. Encourage knowledge exchange, ensuring a multidisciplinary approach to cybersecurity challenges and solutions.


Objective 2: 

Fostering Student Empowerment and Internship Programs is integral to Georgia Tech's mission in shaping the future cybersecurity workforce. Through hands-on courses, real-world case studies, and meaningful internships, the university empowers students with practical skills and industry insights, preparing them to be proactive contributors to the cybersecurity field and fostering a pipeline of skilled professionals for the future.


  • Strategy 1: Develop and offer cybersecurity courses that empower students with practical skills and knowledge. Integrate real-world case studies and hands-on exercises, preparing students for the complexities of modern cybersecurity challenges.
  • Strategy 2: Establish cybersecurity internship programs, connecting students with industry professionals. Foster mentorship initiatives where experienced cybersecurity professionals guide and inspire students, nurturing the next generation of cybersecurity leaders.

Goal 2

Community Empowerment

Community Empowerment emphasizes the active involvement of the university community in cybersecurity initiatives. By promoting awareness, encouraging responsible online behavior, and fostering a sense of shared responsibility, Georgia Tech ensures a united front against cyber threats.

Objective 1: 

Promoting training and awareness programs is pivotal in cultivating a cyber-aware community at Georgia Tech. Through engaging campaigns, interactive workshops, and expert-led webinars, the university fosters a culture of cybersecurity consciousness, equipping students, faculty, and staff with the knowledge and skills to recognize, prevent, and respond to digital threats effectively.

  • Strategy 1: Launch data-driven engaging awareness campaigns targeting students, faculty, and staff. Utilize multimedia platforms, workshops, and interactive events to educate the community about cybersecurity risks, preventive measures, and the importance of responsible online behavior.
  • Strategy 2: Organize regular cybersecurity workshops and webinars, inviting experts to share insights and best practices. Focus on topics such as phishing prevention, secure browsing habits, and data protection, fostering a vigilant and informed university community.
  • Strategy 3: Develop immersive training simulations that replicate real-world cyber threats, including phishing attacks, to provide hands-on experience in identifying and responding to such threats. These simulations will be designed to enhance engagement and retention of cybersecurity practices through practical, scenario-based learning. Post-simulation debriefs will analyze performance, highlight areas for improvement, and reinforce key learning points.


Objective 2: 

Implementing zero trust architecture represents Georgia Tech's strategic shift toward a proactive cybersecurity approach. By redefining access controls, verifying every user and device, and embracing continuous security monitoring, the university fortifies its digital perimeter, ensuring secure access and safeguarding sensitive data in an increasingly complex digital landscape.


  • Strategy 1: Adopt a Zero Trust Architecture approach, redefining access controls and identity verification protocols. Implement stringent verification measures for every user and device, ensuring secure access to sensitive data and resources.
  • Strategy 2: Establish continuous security monitoring mechanisms to detect and respond to anomalies promptly. Utilize advanced tools to analyze user behavior and network activities, enhancing the university's ability to identify and mitigate potential security threats.

Goal 3

Cybersecurity Data Analytics and Collaborative SOC

Cybersecurity Data Analytics and Collaborative Security Operations Center (SOC) represent Georgia Tech's commitment to leveraging advanced technologies and collaborative efforts. By harnessing the power of generative AI, maturing to an autonomous SOC, and bolstering cyber resiliency, Georgia Tech strengthens its digital defenses and proactively addresses evolving threats.

Objective 1: 

Georgia Tech is committed to evolving beyond traditional cybersecurity practices ("archaeology") into a state of advanced proactive defense. This objective outlines a transformative journey, starting with harnessing cybersecurity data analytics for predictive insights and early threat detection and ultimately reaching the pinnacle of Action Analytics, where automated responses enhance the university's cybersecurity resilience against evolving digital risks.

  • Strategy 1: Initiate the progression by implementing advanced data analytics tools to process large volumes of security data. This move goes beyond traditional approaches, leveraging machine learning algorithms to identify patterns and predict potential threats. The goal is to transition from reactive measures to a more predictive stance, enabling proactive threat mitigation strategies based on historical data and patterns.
  • Strategy 2:  Expand the scope by integrating behavioral analytics to analyze user and system behavior. This step introduces a meteorology-level of predictive analytics, where deviations from established patterns are detected. Early identification of potential security breaches becomes possible, allowing for more timely and informed responses. This stage marks a significant advancement in the university's ability to anticipate and address emerging threats.
  • Strategy 3: Elevate the strategy by progressing towards prescriptive analytics. Develop the capability to not only predict threats but also prescribe specific actions for optimal threat mitigation. This involves a deeper understanding of cyber threats and the implementation of strategic decision-making based on actionable insights derived from advanced analytics.
  • Strategy 4:  Culminate the journey by implementing automated responses to specific behavioral anomalies. This stage represents the pinnacle of the university's cybersecurity evolution — Action Analytics. Automated responses enhance Georgia Tech's cybersecurity posture, enabling swift and precise actions in response to potential threats. This bold approach significantly reduces response time, fortifying the university's resilience against evolving cyber risks.


Objective 2: 

Establishing a collaborative security operations center (SOC) and advancing towards autonomous cyber resiliency signifies Georgia Tech's commitment to collective defense and cutting-edge innovation. By collaborating with peer institutions and leveraging generative AI technologies, the university enhances its incident response capabilities, shares vital threat intelligence, and ensures autonomous adaptation to emerging cyber threats, reinforcing a robust and adaptive cybersecurity posture.

  • Strategy 1: Explore merging or closer alignment the GTRI SOC with the main GT SOC, collaborate with other universities within the system and other organizations towards establishing a collaborative regional SOC. Share threat intelligence, resources, and expertise, fostering a unified defense against cyber threats. Conduct joint exercises and simulations to enhance response capabilities and mutual support during incidents.
  • Strategy 2: Integrate generative AI technologies to create autonomous cybersecurity systems. Implement AI-driven incident response, threat hunting, and predictive analysis. Leverage AI algorithms to autonomously adapt security measures based on evolving threat landscapes, ensuring continuous resiliency against sophisticated cyber threats.


Lead in Cybersecurity

Setting the highest standards in digital defenses, fostering proactive collaborations, nurturing a cybersecurity culture through education, seamlessly integrating security into operations, and using precise metrics to measure progress, ensuring the university stands as an innovative and resilient beacon in the evolving landscape of cybersecurity. 

Manage Cybersecurity Risks

In the ever-changing landscape of digital threats, GT commits to managing cybersecurity risks with unparalleled diligence and foresight. By proactively developing robust policies, meticulously ensuring compliance with stringent regulations, and employing continuous risk assessment strategies, Georgia Tech not only safeguards its information assets but also nurtures a culture of security awareness and preparedness.