Three-Part Strategy

Lead in Cybersecurity

Setting the highest standards in digital defenses, fostering proactive collaborations, nurturing a cybersecurity culture through education, seamlessly integrating security into operations, and using precise metrics to measure progress, ensuring the university stands as an innovative and resilient beacon in the evolving landscape of cybersecurity. 

Manage Cybersecurity Risks

In the ever-changing landscape of digital threats, GT commits to managing cybersecurity risks with unparalleled diligence and foresight. By proactively developing robust policies, meticulously ensuring compliance with stringent regulations, and employing continuous risk assessment strategies, Georgia Tech not only safeguards its information assets but also nurtures a culture of security awareness and preparedness. 

Build Cybersecurity Capability

In the pursuit of cybersecurity excellence, Georgia Tech endeavors to build robust capabilities, focusing on staff development, community empowerment, cutting-edge cybersecurity data analytics, and collaborative initiatives. By nurturing a skilled workforce, empowering the community, harnessing advanced technologies, and fostering cyber resilience, Georgia Tech aims to fortify its digital defenses and uphold its position as a leader in the realm of cybersecurity.