Goal 1

Goal: Increase access and remove barriers to services

both inside and outside of Georgia Tech and encourage partnerships to better answer the evolving Institute needs. 

Objective 1:

Reduce digital divide by improving access to technology and increasing engagement/ support for the success of students from underrepresented and disadvantaged communities as well as those in need of accessibility accommodations.

  • Strategy 1: Partner with newly established First-Generation, Limited Income Student Program within Office of Undergraduate Education, Graduate School, and GTPE to assess their students' access to technology equipment, network, and knowledge.
  • Strategy 2: Create and implement a strategy that enhances OIT’s current technology loaner program and allows OIT to leverage surplus technology to close gaps in access for current and incoming students.
  • Strategy 3: Build a partnership between OIT, CEISMC, college units, and local school districts (i.e. Atlanta Public Schools) to better understand gaps in technology knowledge and access among prospective students.
  • Strategy 4: Create a partnership with the Office of Disability Services and Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to implement solutions that meet accessibility needs for students, faculty, and staff.
  • Strategy 5: Incorporate accessibility reviews into every new and enhanced technology solution that is introduced within OIT.
  • Strategy 6: Create a promotional campaign to highlight service offerings for students, faculty, and staff with accessibility needs, such as the AIRA wayfinding solution, screen reader programs, etc.


Objective 2:

Improve our global stance by facilitating service interactions with partners from all regions - including satellite campuses - regardless of time zones, language barriers, etc. 

  • Strategy 1: Partnering with the Provost and Vice Provost for International Initiatives, create and implement a strategy to provide ongoing, global IT services and support to students, faculty, and Institute partners regardless of time zones, language barriers, etc.