Georgia Institute of Technology CIO Daren Hubbard joined the Cutting EDge podcast to talk about how the university’s Data Excellence” initiative will improve operations at the Institute.

Hubbard says the initiative focuses on campuswide data use and data security in university operations. 

“It’s a pretty broad-ranging initiative that focuses on both using data as a strategic asset, but also focusing a little bit of attention on its security and its applicability to institute problems, and really helping to become part of solutions as well,” Hubbard says on the podcast. 

A key part of Georgia Tech’s data-driven approach is what he calls “data democratization” which embraces the idea that everyone across the campus has a role to play in data management and use, Hubbard says.

“The philosophy of data democratization is to really make sure that each individual on the campus has some level of either awareness, depending on your role, or actual engagement with the data in a way that’s going to add value back to their purpose and their focus in this organization,” he says.

Listen to the full podcast at .