Goal 1

Policy Development & Implementation

The creation and enforcement of robust cybersecurity policies are critical in managing cybersecurity. Ensuring clear guidelines and standards to mitigate risks and foster a security-aware culture throughout Georgia Tech is critical to success. 

Objective 1: 

Developing comprehensive Cybersecurity Policies involves crafting meticulous guidelines that address specific threats, encompassing data protection, access controls, incident response, and acceptable technology usage. These policies, continuously reviewed and adapted, form the bedrock of Georgia Tech’s robust cybersecurity framework, ensuring a proactive defense against evolving digital risks.

  • Strategy 1: Formulate (or refine existing) detailed cybersecurity policies addressing data protection, access controls, incident response, and acceptable use, tailored to Georgia Tech’s specific needs.
  • Strategy 2: Establish a governance framework to regularly review and update cybersecurity policies in response to evolving threats and technologies.

Objective 2: 

Efficient dissemination of cybersecurity policies is critical in ensuring compliance. By implementing clear communication channels and conducting regular educational sessions, Georgia Tech ensures that all staff, including faculty and students, are well-informed about policy changes. This proactive approach promotes adherence, fostering a secure digital environment across the campus community.

  • Strategy 1: Conduct interactive policy workshops and webinars regularly, inviting employees, students, and relevant staff members.
  • Strategy 2: Establish a centralized online portal where all cybersecurity policies, guidelines, and updates are accessible. Implement a notification system that sends out alerts to all stakeholders whenever a new policy is introduced or an existing policy is modified.

Goal 2

Comprehensive Compliance Management

Georgia Tech’s Cybersecurity department is dedicated to meticulous oversight and adherence to data protection regulations, industry standards, and internal policies. By conducting regular audits, assessments, and fostering a culture of compliance, the university ensures strict adherence to legal requirements and industry best practices, safeguarding sensitive data and upholding the highest standards of integrity and security across all operations.

Objective 1: 

Ensuring Regulatory Compliance is paramount for Georgia Tech, involving a rigorous approach to aligning operations with diverse data protection regulations such as GLBA, HIPAA, GDPR, PCI, and CMMC. Through continuous monitoring, proactive adjustments, and comprehensive audits Georgia Tech upholds strict compliance, safeguarding data privacy and maintaining the trust of stakeholders in an ever-evolving regulatory landscape

  • Strategy 1: Establish a compliance team to monitor and adhere to relevant data protection regulations, such as GLBA, HIPAA, GDPR, PCI, and CMMC, ensuring the university's handling of sensitive data is in compliance with legal requirements.
  • Strategy 2: Conduct regular compliance audits and assessments to identify potential gaps and address them promptly to maintain a secure and compliant environment.

Objective 2: 

Fostering a Culture of Compliance is integral to Georgia Tech’s cybersecurity strategy, promoting a collective understanding and commitment to adhering to policies and regulations. By nurturing an environment where every member values and upholds security protocols, the university ensures a unified approach to safeguarding data integrity, bolstering resilience against cyber threats.

  • Strategy 1: Promote a culture of compliance and accountability through leadership training, emphasizing the importance of adhering to cybersecurity policies and regulations.
  • Strategy 2: Implement a rewards and recognition program to acknowledge departments and individuals demonstrating exceptional compliance efforts and cybersecurity awareness.

Goal 3

Continuous Risk Management

Being swift and proactive underscores the Georgia Tech's approach to identifying, assessing, and mitigating cybersecurity risks in real-time. By employing advanced tools and methodologies, the university dynamically monitors its digital landscape, ensuring swift responses to emerging threats and reinforcing a resilient defense against evolving cyber risks.

Objective 1: 

Continuous risk assessments involving ongoing evaluations to identify vulnerabilities and anticipate potential threats is crucial in monitoring compliance. Through constant monitoring and analysis, Georgia Tech adapts swiftly to changing cybersecurity landscapes, proactively mitigating risks, and ensuring a secure digital environment for all stakeholders.

  • Strategy 1: Implement continuous risk assessment tools and methodologies to identify and prioritize cybersecurity risks across all GT assets.
  • Strategy 2: Establish a risk management committee responsible for analyzing assessment results, proposing mitigations, and monitoring the implementation of risk-reducing measures.

Objective 2: 

Proactive Vulnerability Management is key to Georgia Tech's cybersecurity resilience, involving systematic scans and analysis to identify potential weaknesses in digital infrastructure. By swiftly addressing vulnerabilities through patching and strategic mitigation measures, the university stays one step ahead of cyber threats, ensuring a robust defense against potential exploits.

  • Strategy 1: Implement a centralized patch management system to ensure timely deployment of security patches, minimizing the window of opportunity for potential cyber threats.
  • Strategy 2: Conduct regular vulnerability scans and penetration testing to proactively identify and remediate security weaknesses in university systems and applications.

Objective 3: 

Expanding our protected surface area beyond IT, to OT, and IoT signifies the university's holistic cybersecurity approach, encompassing Operational Technology (OT) and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. By establishing robust security protocols for these interconnected technologies, Georgia Tech ensures a comprehensive defense strategy, safeguarding not only traditional IT systems but also the diverse array of smart devices, enhancing overall resilience against evolving cyber threats.

  • Strategy 1: Develop and enforce security protocols for Operational Technology (OT) and Internet of Things (IoT) devices, ensuring a holistic approach to cybersecurity that encompasses all connected technologies.
  • Strategy 2: Collaborate with IT, Facilities, colleges, and relevant departments to establish security standards for OT and IoT devices, incorporating them into Georgia Tech's overall cybersecurity framework.

Objective 4: 

Enhancing our threat-hunting capabilities exemplifies Georgia Tech's commitment to proactive cybersecurity. By bolstering its expertise, adopting advanced tools, and fostering collaborations with external cybersecurity experts, the university sharpens its ability to detect, analyze, and mitigate potential threats swiftly, ensuring a vigilant stance against ever-evolving cyber adversaries and bolstering the overall security posture.

  • Strategy 1: Establish a dedicated threat-hunting team equipped with advanced tools and techniques to proactively seek out potential threats within Georgia Tech's network, identifying and mitigating risks before they escalate.
  • Strategy 2: Foster collaboration with external cybersecurity organizations and threat intelligence providers to stay updated on the latest cyber threats and attack patterns, enhancing our threat-hunting capabilities.
  • Strategy 3: Actively involve students with a keen cybersecurity interest in threat intelligence analysis. Provide training and mentorship to students, enabling them to contribute effectively to the identification of emerging threats and the enhancement of threat-hunting capabilities. This strategy not only leverages the enthusiasm and fresh perspectives of student talent but also contributes to their professional development within the cybersecurity domain.

Lead in Cybersecurity

Setting the highest standards in digital defenses, fostering proactive collaborations, nurturing a cybersecurity culture through education, seamlessly integrating security into operations, and using precise metrics to measure progress, ensuring the university stands as an innovative and resilient beacon in the evolving landscape of cybersecurity. 

Build Cybersecurity Capability

In the pursuit of cybersecurity excellence, Georgia Tech endeavors to build robust capabilities, focusing on staff development, community empowerment, cutting-edge cybersecurity data analytics, and collaborative initiatives. By nurturing a skilled workforce, empowering the community, harnessing advanced technologies, and fostering cyber resilience, Georgia Tech aims to fortify its digital defenses and uphold its position as a leader in the realm of cybersecurity.