Georgia Tech recently implemented a new process for assessing supplier contracts in an effort to enhance data security.
Georgia Tech’s Office of Information Technology was recently awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation to enable network and research enhancements for nearby historically black colleges and universities.
Georgia Tech employees can expect a new look and feel for the TechWorks website beginning Monday, June 6.
Georgia Tech’s Office of Information Technology will perform a data center failure simulation on the weekend of June 10 as part of its disaster recovery and preparedness plan.
Georgia Tech will launch its biannual Cybersecurity Awareness Training for all employees on Monday, May 16.
Georgia Tech will sunset the BlueJeans videoconferencing solution on June 14.
As the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues to mount, information security experts across the United States explore ways to circumvent potential cyber-attacks to critical information systems and infrastructure.
The Banner registration system upgrade provides students with access to an enhanced self-service registration system, new scheduling features and a modernized user interface for desktops and mobile devices.
Georgia Tech Vice President for Information Technology & Chief Information Officer Daren Hubbard has been honored among CDO Magazine’s Class of 2022 data and technology leaders in the public education sector.